Sunday, April 30, 2017


We are well into 2017 now. The world is in its usual state of tumult but it is still spinning, if it is indeed round! (reference to the lyrical content of this new album ;) )
North Korea? President Trump? Financial crisis? Climate change? On and on it goes but the art and music? It continues regardless! 
This article is here to promote the upcoming new Jonsona album 'Operatic Nature Diva' - Jonsona's 8th full studio album. An album that wasn't meant to be but Jonny got inspired one more time! 
Is this going to be Jonsona's last album? Perhaps.
Read on to find out.


"Hello there! This is Jonsona speaking. We're here, once again, to promote another album!
We'll travel back in time alittle, to Christmas time of 2016.
Along with preparing for the amazing holidays last year, I was also killing myself and busting my ass to get my album SOFT, complete, along with its videos.
Back to back video shoots, back to back mixing and editing sessions - it was exhausting but well worth it!
After that though, I was starting to feel "album making burnout" and as my stats kept getting lower and lower on my websites I was like, why keep doing this? Nobody is watching or listening!
But then, that music making itch came and I had to scratch it so I started composing the music and writing for my last album, TROLLOP. A jazz infused and themed album.

As 2017 rolled around, at New Year's time... I developed some terrible post holiday blues, depression and sickness. I just kept catching terrible bug after terrible bug! 
I kept trudging through though, to get this album finished! 
I was never really 'excited' about Trollop but it did turn out to be a different kind of album from me (which I was aiming for) and a good one too, so I'm happy I finished it.
Produced some great videos and songs from it.
But I was also like - NO MORE RECORDS!!! - I'm tired now. I don't want to do it anymore.
And by the dwindling numbers of Jonsona's stats on ReverbNation, BandCamp and Soundcloud, not to mention Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, I was like - what's the point?
Now, there are two parts for an artist.
The satisfaction of and the need to produce the art.
It feeds the soul, even if NOBODY ever sees it.
But there is ALSO the need for it... to be seen!!!
Not everyone is going to love what I do, some may even be offended by it but I thought there has GOT to be people in this world that DO appreciate my art as well. And there are artists who are WAY more weird and out there than I am, who have lots of fans and praise - etc.
I've dealt with my bitterness over being ignored as an artist and not making any money from my hard work and my bitterness is down to 10% now but as the numbers dwindle... often times I feel like I just need to stop producing albums and videos because they are very hard work and not enough people experience it.
But then... I get inspired again and go - K... ONE MORE ALBUM! LOL :D

And that's where Operatic Nature Diva comes in!
I heard this music on a Youtube video one night in February of this year and I was very impressed so I looked them up and listened to all of their stuff! I couldn't even tell you the name of them now -oops- but this album is their kind of style.
Where Trollop was jazz-esque, Operatic is almost all house type beats with lots of birds, insects and flowy rhythms. It is kind of what I had intended my third album 'Flowerhead' to be but it ended up being more R&B ish. 
Operatic Nature Diva has a dark side but it's very smooth and light too. Even the ballads have a fast beat.
I am actually excited about this one!
It has sort of a "space theme" and a "nature theme"
I think it's going to be Jonsona's best!
Now... is it my last? I say yes but you never know when I'll get that album making itch again! ;)

This most likely WILL BE the last album of 2017 though.
I still have 'Jonny Poems' and acrylic painting to fall back on, which would be much less time consuming and difficult to do, compared to all that comes with making full albums and videos.

It is an artistic journey so, as all journeys go, it'll have twists and turns!

In my everyday real life, I am so blessed, content and pretty happy and very thankful!
In my artistic life, however... the world has severely failed me - over and over and over again.
But that is how it works for millions of us independent artists that stay true to our artistic integrity and well, that's how it goes!
No guarantees in this life, right?

So, if I am ignored as an artist, for the rest of my life, well... in the big picture and at the end of the day, at least I can say I had the courage and I DID IT! To put myself out there like I have and to bare my artistic soul to the entire world on this thing called, the internet. And I have no regrets about it, no regrets in general, anymore! 

Life sure is an interesting learning experience... and I just keep learning and learning! I'm just an operatic nature diva trying to find my way."    ~Jonsona

Jonsona's 8th full studio album is scheduled to be released July of 2017!